Cauvery College of Health Sciences


B.Sc Neuroscience is one of the upcoming, exciting and cutting edge specialty course which helps the students to become multi skilled health care professional. The BSc Neuroscience graduate will work under the supervision of a physician and will perform various tests like electroencephalogram, evoked potential, electronystagmogram, polysomnogram, electro convulsive therapy and nerve conduction studies. After completion of the course the technologist would be able to conduct the tests and analyse the results and make certain that the information obtained from the test is valid.

Objectives: To train professionals in using advanced diagnostic tools to assist in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders. It aims to improve patient care by supporting neurologists in monitoring and managing conditions affecting the brain and nervous system.

First Year Subjects Second Year Subjects Third Year Subjects
Human Anatomy




Basic Electroencephalography

Basics of Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)

Applied Anatomy & Physiology
Related to Neuroscience Technology

Pharmacology related to
Neuroscience technology
Advanced Technique I

Advanced Technique II

Systemic Disease

Career opportunities: They can take up work

  • In Government and private hospitals to conduct and analyse EEG, ECT, EP, PSG and Nerve conduction studies on patients.
  • In Pharmaceutical industries and Multinational companies as application specialists.
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