Cauvery College of Health Sciences


B.Sc. Optometry is an Undergraduate Program which deals with the examination, diagnosis, and management of diseases of the visual system.  This course is synonymous with eye care & visual health.  It trains the students to work as professionals whose main intent is to assess the vision of patient, prescribe & fit lenses to improve their vision.

Objectives: The Course is designed to develop

  • an ophthalmic manpower in the country with all the theoretical and practical knowledge to become a qualified optometrist
  • A dynamic & challenging paramedical career to the aspirants.
First Year Subjects Second Year Subjects Third Year Subjects Fourth Year Subjects
General Anatomy & General Physiology

Basic Biochemistry & Nutrition

Ocular Anatomy, Ocular
Physiology& biochemistry

Physical & Geometric Optics &
principles of lighting
Optometric Optics & Dispensing optometry

Clinical Examination Of Visual System &
Optometric Instruments

Visual optics

Pharmacology, Microbiology & Pathology
Contact Lenses

Systemic & Ocular diseases

Low Vision Aids & Geriatric Optometry

Practice Management, Law and
optometry & occupational optometry

Research Methodology& Biostatistics

Pediatric Optometry, Advances In
Optometry & Binocular Vision

Clinical Posting &
Speciality Posting
(1 Year)

Special features:

  • Highly qualified competent faculty members to develop a high degree of conceptual skills, analytical skills & high-quality technical knowledge to the students.
  • Updated Course Curriculum that can develop competency in candidates who in turn can manage ophthalmic disorders.

Career opportunities:

  • Practice independently  as an Optometrist
  • Practice in optical establishments, Corporate & Private Hospitals, NGOs.
  • Run optical shops and setups to dispense of visual aids.
  • Start own specialty clinic like contact lenses, Computer vision, Orthoptics.
  • Plethora of jobs in manufacturing and distribution sectors of ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses and ophthalmic instruments.
  • Work with multinational eye care companies like Bausch & Lomb, Essilor, Zeiss, etc.
  • Pursue M.Sc and PhD programs and take up teaching Optometry as a career.
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