Cauvery College of Health Sciences


This course focuses on training students in advanced airway management, establishing & maintaining the airway during management of trauma, Intensive care. A Respiratory care technologist also intimates and manages life support for people in intensive care units & emergency departments stabilising, treating & managing pre – hospital & hospital to hospital patient transport by ambulance.


To evolve a specialised health care practitioner trained in pulmonary medicine who can work with people suffering from pulmonary disease.

First Year Subjects Second Year Subjects Third Year Subjects
Human Anatomy




Medicine Relevant Respiratory Care to technology

Applied Pathology Applied Microbiology

Applied Pharmacology

Introduction to Respiratory Care Technology
Respiratory Care Technology – Clinical

Respiratory Care Technology – Applied

Respiratory Care Technology – Advanced

Special features:

  • An Ultra modern ICCU attached with Cauvery heart and multispeciality Hospital to give hands on experience to aspirants.
  • Highly skilled, competent and experienced faculty members.

Career opportunities: After graduating they have wide scope in medical care settings that provide respiratory therapy such as in

  • Government hospitals
  • Private clinics
  • Trauma centres
  • NGO’S research clinics
  • Labs rehabilitations centres 
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